'Dragon Ball Super' Final Episodes for 2017 Hint at a Fusion That Will End All Fusions

The final episodes of "Dragon Ball Super" for the year will see Universe 7 get the upper hand in the ongoing Tournament of Power.

While the previous episode saw Goku and company lose Piccolo, who accidentally fell from the arena because of the invisible Gamisaras and the insectoid Damon, the team managed to defeat them, resulting in the destruction of Universe 4.

Now, only three universes are left in the tournament and in "Dragon Ball Super" episode 120, the fighters of Universe 3 begin their bid.

Universe 7 has proven itself to be quite redoubtable and the same can be said for Universe 11 (Jiren alone would take any universe an army to take down) so the Universe 3 will have to bring out their big guns in order to survive — and they would.

The synopsis for the installment titled "A Perfect Survival Strategy! Universe 3's Menacing Assassins!!" teases that the third universe, like the others, will take everyone by surprise. They have a plan in place too.

It looks like the folks from Universe 3 will waste no time to secure their place in the final two in "Dragon Ball Super" episode 120, locking Universe 7 as their target

Now only Universes 3, 7, and 11 remain. Although Jiren's Universe 11 is quite formidable, Universe 3's survival strategy has born fruit, leaving them with most of their warriors still remaining. The time has finally come for Universe 3 to get down to business. The Universe 3 warriors Koitsukai and co. attack Son Goku and co. in unison.

But this battle will culminate in "Dragon Ball Super" episode 121, "All-Out War! The Ultimate 4-Way Combination vs Universe 7's Total Offensive!!" where Universe 3 unleashes their secret weapon, which involves a merge nothing like Goku and the rest have ever seen. The synopsis teases:

 Paparoni shouts that he will show them Universe 3's ultimate secret technique, and an intense flash envelops his surroundings. Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and the others use their hands to shield themselves from the intense light, and 17 and 18 bow their heads. When the light dies down and their vision returns, they see the gigantic form of a merged warrior named Aniraza.



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