‘Dragon Ball Super’ Spoiler Confirms One Crushing Defeat

There’s a saying which says you cannot win them all, but that has never stopped Dragon Ball’s stars from trying. When put in a corner, guys like Goku tend to make a comeback, but the same cannot be said for one Saiyan on Dragon Ball Super.

After all, a set of spoilers for the anime just confirmed Vegeta is about to get bounced by Jiren.

Earlier today, new synopses for Dragon Ball Super went live in Japan thanks to Animedia. The magazine released the first summary of episode 123, and the blurb confirms Vegeta will fail to take down the Tournament of Power’s strongest fighter.

“Vegeta puts forth his full power to battle Universe 11's Jiren, but utterly fails to defeat him. Instead, Vegeta is seriously injured and in dire straits,” the magazine reveals.

Fans already knew that Vegeta was going to challenge Jiren, but they did not know how the ordeal would go down. Episode 122 will see the Saiyan throw down the gauntlet before the Pride Trooper, and fans were hopeful that Vegeta would make Jiren pause. The preview for the episode even showed the fighter landing a tough blow to Jiren’s gut, but it does not look like the Universe 11 contestant will suffer too much under Vegeta’s hand.

The summary for episode 123 does not bode well for Vegeta, but hope is not lost for the Saiyan. The fighter may be greatly injured during his fight, but the synopsis for episode 124 confirms Vegeta is still around. The fighter will stiffen his upper lip and team up with Goku to fight Jiren, but even that doesn’t look like it will be enough. The Pride Trooper will continue to grow more powerful as the battle rages, and Universe 7 will need to create a miracle if they wish to win the tournament.


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